Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Spotted at a Mark Cavendish/Sky Ride promotional event in Regents Park, this is an 80's Rossin frame that has been built up with a Dura Ace groupset and nice light wheels.
This is easily the lightest Rossin I've ever come across that's for sure. A really classy rebuild that Lee Barrett its owner says rides like a dream.
We discussed holding a vintage Rossin 'rally' at Richmond Park some day. Nice idea?
More details about the build when I have them, hopefully.
If you think your Rossin might be lighter, send me the details and a photo and I'll had it here or in the Readers' Rossins section.


  1. Hi,

    I just acquired a Rossin (Record model I believe), with DuraAce components from the 90's. I plan to build it light as well, hopefully some progress soon.

  2. Keep in touch, let me know the weight when you're done maybe?

  3. Will do, I plan to re-paint or powder coat the frame. Trying to decide on a color. Wheels I have are some old Mavics, maybe I can find some newer light wheels, but I know little to nothing about wheels. I was gifted a newer seat as well so I plan to slightly modernize it but still keep that vintage Italian clean elegance.
