Friday, 2 January 2015


Prestige 2012 style

It's all about the frame 

 Like this Cromovelato one

Rossin Prestige - hexagonal tubing

A beautiful lugged Rossin


San Marco Corsa - ideal saddle

Yes, you can shop with your Rossin

80's C-Record Rossin

c.1982, Campag Record, Team Telecom Telekom colours
[Above] An early "Record". Vintage Italian road bikes were begining to adopt this cinelli style of sloping forks at this time. Note also the early three prong vintage campagnolo crank arms. 


Bit of a mystery this one!

Splatter finish

Team Shimano 1982 

Cromovelato finish


  1. hi,You certainly have some lovely bikes. I was hoping you might be able to help me. I was looking at what appears to be a Rossin frameset. Rosssin decals like ones in the first picture on your blog (the red one). However nothing else says Rossin to me. Here is a link to a picture of the fork and headlug. Also my email is thanks

  2. It's a strange one. The 'U' could stand for Urago. From Sheldon Brown:

    There were cheap mass-produced Urago biyclces and then there were absolutely spectacular Urago frames. One example we worked on a few years ago was among the finest bicycles we ever saw. Brazing and mitering were gorgeous, the arrow point on the side of the forkcrown was exquisite, and the ride of the bicycle was superb. For high-end examples such as this with N.R. or correct era French parts, a value of $1,500 seems reasonable. Lesser models would have values based largely on their parts.

  3. thanks so much for the info. I will check it out.

  4. Hi, I'm William Rossin and the founder of Rossin brand is my father.

    I'm writing to point your attention on the wrong name of my dad in the history text. The correct name is MARIO, not MARCO as written.

    Me and my father are happy that many people still appreciate his work.
    Thank you so much :)


    1. Hello William, I remember a Rossin Ghibli frame with amazing aero beautiful....Stuff of dreams in 1989.
